Sunday, February 25, 2007

my friend

I have only one good friend thats not in my family and his name is kevin. He is my friend because well you see..........I don't know WHY hes my friend cause hes cool , I don't know we just met this year in my new class. I am in fourth grade. We like to play rainbow 6 vegas its my favorite vidio game i'm very good at it. Thats all I have to say about kevin except that he is a very good friend.


Anonymous said...

Alex, I am so hurt by what you have said here. I can't believe after all the sleepovers we have had you don't consider me your best friend. I've known you a lot longer than just the past year. I think you just like whoever has the coolest stuff for you to play with. You are a slacker, but your dad is really cool!

Anonymous said...

Well, cool stuff is an important quality in a friend.


Unknown said...

Hmm, it's strange how the person who claims to be your close friend is "anonymous". Maybe they just aren't quite as close as the people whose names you know.

Unknown said...

Hey, look, when I leave a comment, it puts a cool picture there. Wow!

Unknown said...

Speaking of cool pictures, where did you get that picture of you that's on your blog?

Skid Plate said...

I took the picture last halloween. It was taken at the party they had at our park.

Skid Plate said...

How come my picture didn't show up??

Unknown said...

Were you logged in when you posted your comments?

Skid Plate said...


Skid Plate said...

Let's see if my picture shows up now.